A platform to help Vietnam-based businesses improve employee satisfaction, retain their best people, and save HRs countless hours on maintenance effort.

Employee happiness is one of the core pillars of business success. Studies have shown that satisfaction at work can boost employees’ productivity up to 20% and help businesses generate more quality results. The notion of an employee experience platform soon struck a group of high-impact entrepreneurs who wanted a breath of fresh air in Vietnam’s business scene, where the average employee retention rate ranked the lowest in Asia.

By building an application that helps businesses give recognition, or kudos, to their employees’ outstanding performance at work, leaders can improve their employee satisfaction and save their HRs countless hours with C&B (compensation and benefits) tasks.

The solution

Futurify was responsible for implementing on-demand features of the MVP and integrating 3rd party APIs, namely Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS, S3), AWS SES (Email), and FiboSMS. Our custom business solution packages included Microservice Architecture and database design, giving more flexibility and sufficiency data management, especially for large-scale enterprises with complex organizational structures.

The trickiest part is developing and releasing the product as a white-label app. We used the App Store’s business ID (created and provided by our client) to configure and publish the application under anonymity. Access to download and use is granted only to those who have received an authorized ID issued by their companies. By doing so, we ensured the privacy of the client and their end-users, in this case, the companies and their employees.

Our technologies
The result

The platform has become a trusted partner of several leading businesses and enterprises in Vietnam, including DHL, AIA, Nestlé, Suntory Pepsico, Brooks, etc. This year, the platform has been certified by Certification Partner Global (CPG) on the globally recognized standards from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).