Revolutionizing Recruitment: Harnessing AI for Intelligent CV Screening
Tri Ho
June 1, 2024

In today's fast-paced job market, hiring managers and HR teams face the daunting task of sifting through countless CVs to identify the most qualified candidates. Traditional keyword-based filtering methods, while useful, often fall short in ranking CVs by true relevance to job postings. Enter the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to transform the recruitment process.

The Challenge: Traditional CV Screening

When hiring, companies often receive a large volume of CVs. Filtering these by keywords is standard industry practice, which helps in shortlisting qualified candidates. However, determining the most qualified among them demands significant time and effort from HR teams.

The Initial Solution: A Proof of Concept

To tackle this issue, we explored using LLMs as a proof of concept:

  1. CV Embedding: Upload CVs to OpenAI to generate embed vectors representing the entire CVs.
  2. Vector Database: Create a vector database of CVs.
  3. Job Posting Embedding: Upload job postings to OpenAI to generate embed vectors.
  4. Cosine Similarity: Calculate cosine similarity between job posting vectors and CV vectors.
  5. Shortlist Generation: Identify the top 10 CVs closest to the job posting.
  6. Scoring: Upload the job posting and each shortlisted CV to OpenAI, asking it to assign a score based on job posting criteria.
  7. Ranking: Rank the CVs based on the scores obtained.

This approach, while innovative, faced significant challenges. The context window was too long, leading to inconsistent results and slow processing times, often taking minutes to deliver results.

The Refined Approach: Enhanced with GraphDB

To address these issues, we refined our approach:

  1. Skillset Extraction: Instead of embedding entire CVs, we used OpenAI to extract key elements: technical skills, soft skills, experiences, educational backgrounds, and certifications. These elements were stored in a Neo4j GraphDB. The GraphDB not only stored relationships between candidates and skills but also weighted the years of experience for each skill.
  2. CV Analysis: This process was repeated for all CVs.
  3. Job Posting Analysis: Job postings were similarly processed, with OpenAI expanding the skillsets to include related skills. However, for comprehensive coverage, we planned to enhance this expansion with our own algorithms.
  4. Query and Scoring: We built queries to search and score candidates based on the refined data.

The Results: Efficiency and Consistency

This refined method delivered consistent scores and significantly reduced processing times to just one second.

Future Enhancements

While this approach marks a substantial improvement, there is room for further enhancement. Customizing the model to meet specific client requirements and expanding the skillset relationships will provide even more accurate and relevant candidate rankings.

Business Applications

  1. Large Corporations: Streamline the recruitment process, saving valuable time for HR teams and ensuring top talent is identified swiftly.
  2. Recruitment Agencies: Offer enhanced candidate matching services, improving client satisfaction and placement success rates.
  3. Tech Companies: Tailor the model to evaluate specific technical skills and experiences, ensuring the best fit for specialized roles.

By leveraging the power of AI and advanced databases, we are transforming the recruitment landscape, making it faster, more accurate, and tailored to the needs of modern businesses.