How LangGraph’s Multi-Agent Approach Can Bridge Skill Gaps in Your Team
Tri Ho
June 17, 2024

In the fast-paced world of technology, staying relevant requires continuous learning and adaptation. Identifying skill gaps and bridging them efficiently is crucial for both individual career growth and organizational development. This is where the innovative approach of using multi-agents with LangGraph comes into play, offering a structured and effective solution to complex problems like skill gap analysis and personalized training.

Introduction to Multi-Agents with LangGraph

Multi-agent systems involve multiple interacting agents, each with specialized capabilities, working collaboratively to solve complex problems. LangGraph, a powerful framework, facilitates the creation and management of these agents, enabling them to communicate and function together seamlessly. By leveraging multi-agents, we can break down intricate tasks into manageable segments, ensuring precision and efficiency in problem-solving.

Benefits of Multi-Agents

Using multi-agents in LangGraph provides several advantages:

  • Specialization: Each agent is designed to perform a specific task with high accuracy, ensuring that each part of the problem is handled by an expert.
  • Scalability: Multi-agent systems can easily be scaled to handle larger datasets and more complex tasks without a loss in performance.
  • Efficiency: Agents work concurrently, speeding up the process and delivering faster results.
  • Flexibility: The system can be adapted and reconfigured to address various types of problems by adding or modifying agents.

The Problem: Identifying Skill Gaps

We aim to identify the skill gaps between a developer's current skill set and the requirements of a potential project or job posting. This allows us to provide tailored training and coaching, enabling developers to perform well in their roles.

Our Approach

We have a list of CVs detailing the skill sets and experiences of developers, generated from their project tasks, along with job criteria provided by our clients. Previously, we developed an algorithm to match and score each CV based on job criteria. Now, we want to enhance this list by adding potential mentors and relevant courses to each CV, enabling personalized training.

The Multi-Agent System

To achieve this, we set up four specialized agents:

  1. Gap Skills Detect Agent: This agent analyzes candidate profiles and job descriptions to identify skill gaps by comparing current skills with required skills.
  2. Routing Agent: Acting as the coordinator, this agent evaluates the information provided by the Gap Skills Detect Agent. If the information is deemed sufficient, it triggers the next agents.
  3. Mentor Suggestion Agent: This agent matches candidates with potential mentors based on the identified skill gaps and candidates' profiles.
  4. Course Finding Agent: This agent searches for the best courses online that can help candidates bridge their skill gaps, recommending relevant courses based on the detected deficiencies.

Workflow and Coordination

The routing agent ensures the smooth flow of information between agents, acting as a judge to ensure the quality of responses. Once all necessary information is gathered, the workflow concludes, providing a comprehensive list of skill gaps, potential mentors, and relevant courses for each CV.

Why Four Agents?

Each agent in our system has a specialized role, focusing on one aspect of the problem. This specialization ensures high accuracy and efficiency. The routing agent serves as a quality control mechanism, making sure that all information passed between agents meets the required standards.

Benefits of Using Multi-Agents for this System

  • Precision: Each agent’s specialization allows for meticulous handling of its specific task, reducing errors.
  • Quality Control: The routing agent ensures only high-quality information is processed and passed on.
  • Enhanced Training: By providing tailored mentor suggestions and course recommendations, we enhance the training process for developers.


By leveraging multi-agents with LangGraph, we can effectively identify and address skill gaps in developers, offering personalized training solutions. This approach not only benefits individual career growth but also enhances organizational development by ensuring employees are well-equipped to meet job requirements.

In our demo, we utilize the same software developed to match CVs with job postings. The system not only identifies gaps but also matches candidates with mentors and finds relevant courses on platforms like Coursera. This application can be extended to help internal teams align their skill sets with potential projects or goals, ultimately fostering continuous learning and development within organizations.

The potential of this application lies in its ability to provide customized learning paths and mentorship, helping individuals and organizations stay ahead in a competitive landscape. By applying this algorithm, we empower employees to achieve their career goals and ensure businesses have the skilled workforce needed to thrive.