How Different Generations Use Finance Apps: Insights for Fintech Innovation
Khoa Le
June 24, 2024

As a custom fintech software solution provider, we're always keeping our finger on the pulse of how different generations interact with financial technology. The landscape of personal finance is rapidly evolving, with mobile apps at the forefront of this digital revolution. Let's dive into the latest trends and statistics that are shaping the future of fintech.

The Global Shift to Digital Banking

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital banking tools across all age groups. In 2020, we saw a staggering 1.3 billion downloads of personal finance mobile apps in Q2 alone. This surge isn't confined to tech-savvy markets; developing economies with growing smartphone penetration are showing immense potential for fintech growth.

  • Over 75% of smartphone users globally have used at least one finance app
  • 54% of consumers are using digital banking tools more frequently than the previous year
  • The US leads with an 81.6% smartphone penetration rate, followed by China and India

Generational Breakdown of Finance App Usage

Gen Z and Millennials: The Digital Natives

  • 99% of Gen Z and 98% of millennials use mobile banking apps
  • They are the most active users of finance apps, especially payment apps like Venmo and PayPal
  • 57% of Gen Z and 60% of Millennials primarily use mobile apps for banking

Gen X: The Adaptable Generation

  • 86.5% use mobile banking apps
  • They balance traditional and digital banking methods
  • 52% primarily use mobile apps for banking

Baby Boomers: Embracing Digital, Valuing Traditional

  • 69.5% use mobile banking apps
  • They're slower to adopt but increasingly embracing digital tools
  • 31% primarily use mobile apps, while 39% prefer online banking via laptop or PC

Key Features and Usage Patterns

  1. Checking balances (91% of users)
  2. Transferring money between accounts (62%)
  3. Depositing checks (54%)
  4. Transferring money to friends (46%)
  5. Scheduling bill payments (38%)

The Rise of App-Centric Banking

The trend is clear: banking is becoming increasingly app-centric. In Canada, 70% of people have used an app for banking in 2024, up from 65% in 2021. On average, users are accessing their banking apps 7.4 times per month.

Implications for Fintech Development

As custom fintech solution providers, these trends highlight several key areas for innovation:

  1. User Experience: With Gen Z and Millennials leading app usage, designing intuitive, feature-rich interfaces is crucial.
  2. Security: As more users across generations adopt digital banking, robust security measures are non-negotiable.
  3. Personalization: Different generations have varying needs. Adaptive interfaces that cater to user preferences can enhance engagement.
  4. Integration: With users having multiple finance apps, creating seamless integrations between services can provide added value.
  5. Education: For older generations, incorporating educational features can help increase comfort with digital tools.


The finance app landscape is diverse and evolving. By understanding how different generations use these tools, we can create more targeted, effective, and user-friendly fintech solutions. As we continue to innovate, our focus remains on bridging generational gaps and making financial management accessible and enjoyable for all users.