Embracing the Future of Custom Software Solutions with Low-Code Platforms
Tri Ho
June 13, 2024

In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, businesses are constantly seeking efficient ways to develop and deploy custom software solutions. Traditional coding approaches, while powerful, often require significant time, resources, and expertise. Enter low-code platforms like Mendix, which are revolutionizing the way we think about software development. This blog post explores the potential of low-code platforms and makes a strong case for their future in custom software solutions.

The Power of Low-Code: A Real-World Example

At Futurify, we've recently embarked on a project to build an internal employee directory app using Mendix. This experience has provided valuable insights into the benefits and efficiencies of low-code development. Let's dive into the key reasons why this decision has proven to be a game-changer.

Speed and Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of low-code platforms is the speed at which applications can be developed. Using Mendix, we quickly created the employee directory administration page by designing the data model. The platform's ability to generate different views based on this model saves substantial time and effort. While modifications are necessary, they are far less time-consuming than building an entire system from scratch.

Custom Workflows and Flexibility

Mendix allows for the creation of custom workflows, essential for tailoring applications to specific business needs. In our employee directory app, we implemented workflows to validate input forms, generate passwords, create accounts, and send invitation emails. The ability to integrate custom Java code is a significant benefit, as it leverages our existing expertise while providing the flexibility needed to meet our unique requirements.

Streamlined Onboarding Process

The onboarding process is a critical component of any employee management system. With Mendix, we were able to design a seamless onboarding experience. New employees receive welcome emails with login information and necessary documents, and they can start the onboarding process immediately. The platform also facilitates a short quiz to ensure new hires understand company policies, enhancing engagement and compliance.

Built-in Features and Integration

Mendix's built-in features, such as its email template engine, simplify many aspects of app development. By specifying template content within the platform, we streamlined the communication process with new employees. These features, combined with the ability to integrate custom code, make Mendix a versatile and powerful tool for developing comprehensive software solutions.

Visual Development and Collaboration

One of the standout features of Mendix is its visual development environment. This approach not only speeds up the development process but also fosters better collaboration between developers and business stakeholders. Visual models make it easier to understand and communicate complex workflows, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

The Future of Low-Code in Custom Software Solutions

The experience of building our employee directory app has solidified our belief in the transformative potential of low-code platforms. For internal applications, low-code and no-code solutions can significantly impact delivery times and customization capabilities. They empower businesses to create software that truly works for them, rather than being constrained by traditional development limitations.


In conclusion, low-code platforms like Mendix represent the future of custom software solutions. They offer unprecedented speed, flexibility, and efficiency, enabling businesses to meet their unique needs with fewer resources and less time. As we continue to explore the possibilities of low-code development, we are excited about the endless opportunities it presents for innovation and growth. If you're looking to streamline your software development process and deliver custom solutions that make a difference, it's time to consider the power of low-code.


To give you a better idea of what we've accomplished with Mendix, here are some screenshots of our employee directory app in action:

Administration Page Design

Custom Workflows

Onboarding Process

These visuals highlight the intuitive interface and powerful capabilities of Mendix, showcasing how low-code development can bring your custom software solutions to life with speed and precision. By embracing low-code platforms, we're not just keeping up with the future of technology; we're actively shaping it. Join us on this exciting journey and discover how low-code can revolutionize your business too.